6th Armoured Division (South Africa)

6th South African Armoured Division
Active 1 February 1943 – 2 May 1945
1 July 1948 – 1 November 1949
Country  South Africa
Allegiance Allies
Branch South African Army
Type Armour
Size Division
Colors Green and Yellow
Engagements Italian Campaign
Disbanded 1946
Commander Feb 1943 to May 1945:
Major General William John Evered Poole[Note 1]
Gothic Line
Major battles in red and Start (Taranto: 1944 - Black) and end (1945 - Green) campaign deployments

The South African 6th Armoured Division was the first armoured division in the South African Army and was formed during World War II. Established in 1943, it was based on a nucleus of men from the former South African 1st Infantry Division who had returned to South Africa after the Second Battle of El Alamein. The division was initially transferred to Egypt for training, after which it served in Italy during 1944 and 1945. In Italy, the Division was deployed as part of the British Eighth Army and was then transferred to the United States Fifth Army for the remainder of the Italian Campaign. The Division operated as a strongly reinforced division and was frequently used to spearhead the advance of the Corps and Army to which it was attached. They returned home after the end of the war in Italy and were disbanded in 1946. The division was also briefly active after the war from 1 July 1948 to 1 November 1949.


The possibility of forming a South African armoured division was discussed as early as April 1941 between Major-General George Brink, Commander of the South African 1st Infantry Division and Prime Minister (Field Marshal) Smuts. At this time, South Africa was struggling to maintain the manpower levels needed to sustain two infantry divisions in the field.[Note 2] The 3rd Division was based in South Africa and was to provide the pool from which reinforcements were drawn to supplement the 1st and 2nd Divisions. All South Africans serving outside of South Africa were volunteers and far fewer men than expected volunteered their services and the view was held that if this trend continued, it would be necessary to convert one infantry division to an armoured division, as an armoured division would require fewer men.[Note 3] Later, the vision was to establish two armoured divisions, as lower manpower levels became more pronounced.[1]

After the Second Battle of El Alamein, the 1st Infantry Division was withdrawn to Quassasin with the understanding that its 1st Brigade would return to South Africa to regroup with the 7th Infantry Brigade (at this time the 7th Infantry Brigade was in Madagascar) to form the 1st South African Armoured Division. 1st Infantry Division's 2nd and 3rd Brigades would remain in Egypt to form the 6th South African Armoured Division which would replace the 2nd Infantry Division which had been captured at Tobruk in June 1942.[1]

By January 1943, the Allied leaders had decided at the Casablanca Conference to pursue the war by invading Sicily, reducing the need for the number of armoured divisions as compared to those needed in the Western Desert.[2] This, together with further manpower shortages led to the plans for a 1st South African Armoured Division being abandoned, with only the 6th Division being considered viable. All of the 1st South African Infantry Division brigades were returned to South Africa for re-training and amalgamation with other units to form the nucleus of the armoured division. The division was officially formed in South Africa on 1 February 1943 with Major-General W.H.E. Poole as commander and sailed for Port Tewfik in Suez on 30 April 1943 as a two brigade division.[3][Note 4]


Training began in the desert at Khataba, north west of Cairo[5] and was focused on tank operations and integrating the Rhodesian elements into the division.[Note 5] In addition, the lack of manpower had forced the merging of numerous units and much of the training time was spent on marrying up drills between the new composite units.[5] The period of training was finally concluded by a series of training exercises, Exercise Cape Town being the first from 1 to 3 December for the 11th Armoured Brigade (11th Armd Bde) and Exercise Durban from 5 to 7 December for the 12th Motorised Brigade (12th Mot Bde). Training was concluded with Exercise Tussle[Note 6] as a British III Corps operation finishing on 21 January 1944[8] and on 23 January the division moved to Helwan.[5] By now, the Division had been in Egypt for months due to indecision related to its role.[Note 7]

On 3 March 1944, the Division was instructed to move to Palestine and the advance parties left on 7 March. On 12 March however, this movement order was countermanded and the Division was instructed to move to Italy. One year after arriving in the Middle East, the Division embarked from Alexandria between 14 and 16 April to arrive in Taranto, Italy on 20 and 21 April 1944.[10]

Italy: 8th Army

Detachment of 12th Motorised Brigade

 Regrouping was still in progress after arrival in Italy, when the 12th Motorised Brigade with artillery and support elements was ordered to move to the area of Isernia to prepare to relieve the 11th Canadian Infantry Brigade in the Cassino area and to come under command of the 2nd New Zealand Division in the British X Corps.[7]  These were the first division troops to enter combat in Italy.[10]  The South African Brigade held these positions until after the fall of Monte Cassino and the breakout from the Anzio beachhead, when they were withdrawn and reunited with the Division.[11]

Initial advance after the fall of Rome

Having formed part of British 8th Army's reserve, the division was moved forward and attached to the Canadian I Corps after the Canadians and Polish II Corps had breached the Hitler Line north of Cassino. After Rome had been taken by the Allies in early June 1944, the division was ordered to move up the Via Casalina to take over the spearhead of the of Eighth Army's British XIII Corps.[12] To bring the division up to a full complement of three brigades, the British 24th Guards Brigade was placed under command, an association which lasted to the spring of 1945.[13] The Division advanced with the Tiber River to the east and Lake Bolsena to the west at a rate of 10 miles (16 km) per day, outstripping their flanking units.[14] On 10 June the Armoured Brigade which was leading the advance, came up against the anti-tank screen of the newly-arrived German 365th Infantry Division south of Celleno. For the first (and only) time Brigadier Furstenburg was able to deploy all three of his armoured regiments and his motorised infantry battalion in battle to gain an important victory. Lieutenant-Colonel Papa Brits (Special Service Battalion [SSB]) and Lieutenant-Colonel Bob Reeves-Moore (Imperial Light Horse / Kimberley Regiment [ILH/KR]) received DSOs for their leadership in the defeat of elements of the 365th Division.[7] 11th Armd Bde's success permeated the whole division and on 12 June the Division took Orvieto, having advanced 75 miles (121 km) in ten days. However, their daily rate of advance had been slowed considerably by consistently being in contact with the enemy.[15]

By 17 June, the Imperial Light Horse of the 11th Armd Bde had been stopped by the parachutists of the Herman Goering Division on their first attempt to enter Chiusi but by 23 June, the town had been taken by the Cape Town Highlanders.[16] During this attack on Chiusi, "A" Company of First City/Cape Town Highlanders was leading the attack up the terraces around the town. During the night of 21–22 June, the company was surrounded by strong German infantry elements closely supported by tanks and its surviving members were forced to surrender by noon on 22 June. Since the disaster of the surrender of the 2nd Infantry Division at Tobruk two years previously, the surrender of South African troops in the field had become a sensitive matter. This prompted Prime Minister Smuts, who had been meeting the British Chiefs of Staff on 21 June, to divert his aircraft to Orvieto airfield on his way back to South Africa to discuss the political and military consequences of this event with the Division command.[7]

Crossing the Albert Line

By 28 June, after stiff fighting, the Albert Line (referred to as the Trasimene Line by the Allies) had been broken and the Allies streamed north[16] with the 24th Guards Brigade reaching Chianciano and the 11th Armd Bde pushing north of Lake Montepulciano.[17] The Eighth Army's XIII Corps advance on Florence was led by the British 6th Armoured Division on the right, British 4th Infantry Division in the centre and the South African Division on the left. The Division advanced in two columns through Rapolano and Palazzuolo until they encountered the LXXVI Panzer Corps on the Georg Line, a delaying position on the north side of Route 73.[18]

The strength of the Panzer Corps was not known initially and the leading elements of XIII Corps continued to probe forward expecting the German line to crumble under pressure without the need to launch a full scale attack.[19] The Corps fed in more battalions in an attempt to secure the Monte Lignano high ground and fighting for the hill continued on 6 and 7 July, but the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division continued to hold the heights.[18] The South African Division had been stopped on the left flank with the two Infantry Brigades spread over a 10-mile (16 km) front, the armour having been withdrawn into reserve because of the difficult terrain. On 7 July the 2nd New Zealand Division was brought forward from reserve and their attack together with the British 6th Armoured Division eventually took the high ground and caused the German Corps to withdraw towards the Heinrich Line behind the River Arno on 15 July. The South African Division could then continue their advance, directed on an axis towards Radda-Greve on the western side of the Chianti Mountains.[20]

The Division made good progress, advancing with two brigades leading the advance: the 12th Mot Bde astride the road defining the Division's axis of advance and the Guards Bde on the right flank, on the slopes of the Chianti highlands. Radda was secured on the night of 17 July and orders were then received for the Division to secure the heights of the Chianti Highlands. The Guards Bde took Mt. Maione by a night attack on the night of 18/19 July supported by the tanks of the Pretoria Regiment[21] while 12th Mot Bde attacked to take Mt. St, Michele (Pt 892) on 20 July. The Division now held the heights of the Chianti range, dominating the Arno Valley and the advances to Florence.[21]


On 20 July General Kirkman, XIII Corps commander, issued orders for a "...powerful thrust to seize all crossings across the River Arno to the west of Florence."[21] This effort was to be concentrated on the 6th South African Armoured Division front. The advance was to be led by the South African Division with the 4th Infantry Division to its right, supported on the flanks by the 6th British Armoured Division and the 8th Indian Infantry Division.[21] The Division advance was slowed at the approaches to Greve due to heavy mining, where a number of tanks were lost but eventually the 11th Armd Bde succeeded in capturing Mercatale, which was defended by the German 356th Infantry Division supported by Tiger tanks. The Division advanced through Greve and were again stopped by the German 4th Parachute Division on the River Greve[22] on 24 July.[23] The Division had however out-flanked the German Parachute Division who then withdrew during the night of 24/25 July, allowing the South African, New Zealand and Indian Divisions to advance to the Paula Line which was reached on 28 July.[24]

Kirkman again placed the South African and New Zealand Divisions as the spearhead of his Corps advance, this time to break the Paula Line and to take Florence. The New Zealand Division would carry out the main assault and the South African Division would neutralise the enemy on the high ground west of Impruneta and then clear Route 2 into Florence. The attack was scheduled for 30 July 1944.[25] General Alexander, commander of Allied Armies in Italy, had indicated that he had no intention of fighting in Florence and so Kirkman gave orders for the by-passing of the city.[26] On 31 July the heavy artillery support for the attack had resulted in an ammunition shortage and Kirkman ordered a 24-hour pause for fresh supplies to arrive.[26] The Desert Air Force flew over 100 sorties per day on 31 July and 1 August in support of the attack and by 3 August columns of South African, New Zealand and 4th Infantry Divisions were advancing towards Florence. By 4 August, advance parties were exploring the outskirts of Florence to find that all bridges across the Arno River viable for military transport had been destroyed.[27] An Imperial Light Horse / Kimberley Regiment patrol however found the smaller Ponte Vecchio bridge intact and crossed it under heavy shelling, entering into the centre of the city at 4am, to be the first allied troops to enter Florence.[28][Note 8][Note 9]

After reaching Florence, General Pool recorded in a Special Order of the Day, that the Division had "....covered 601 miles (967 km) since leaving its concentration area at Taranto, its artillery had fired 201,500 rounds, the Divisional Engineers had built sixty five bridges (one a day!) and had made 196 major deviations necessitated by 'blows' and demolitions. The signallers had laid 3,752 miles (6,038 km) of telephone cable."[31] The Division was then withdrawn into Eighth Army reserve for rest and maintenance in the Siena / Castelnuovo area[32] until 17 August, when orders were issued for the Division to be transferred from British XIII Corps to US IV Corps to partially replace divisions withdrawn to the 7th US Army for the assault of southern France.[32][Note 10] 6th South African Armoured Division was assigned to the their new Corps in the US 5th Army as from 22 August 1944 and was replaced in XIII Corps by British 6th Armoured Division.[34]

Italy: 5th Army

Crossing the Arno River

To continue the main Allied thrust north from Florence, the Arno River first had to be crossed. Reconnaissance patrols from the First City/Cape Town Highlanders [FC/CTH] found suitable crossing points close to Le Piagge allowing the 12th Mot Bde to cross during the night of 28/29 August under light enemy artillery fire.[35] Reports from prisoners indicated that the German forces in front of the Division were withdrawing and this was confirmed by the sound of demolitions ahead of them.[35] The 12th Brigade, as well as the Guards Brigade were tasked to send fighting patrols forward to determine the extent of the withdrawal. Reports indicated that the Germans had withdrawn across a wide front to what was to later become known as the Gothic Line. The Division crossed the river thanks to Bailey bridges erected between the damaged abutments by the South African Engineers.[36] Under sporadic shelling and some units encountering light resistance, the operation was completed by 3 September.[37] General Pool, observing the lack of resistance ahead of the Division, encouraged a rapid advance, but this was countermanded in order not to compromise the surprise of the main 5th Army attack north of Florence.[38] The order to wait and hold the Albano Massif until further notice was deeply resented by the Division command and was considered representative of the persistent inflexibility displayed by the 5th Army leadership.[39]


The 8th Army offensive on the German held Gothic Line was assigned the codename Olive and had commenced on 25 August 1944.[40] Ultra intercepts had shown that the Allies had a significant numerical superiority in manpower, armour, air and artillery, although there were concerns regarding the relative inferiority of Allied tank armour and gun power as compared to German equipment.[41][42] The US 5th Army attack was launched on 10 September against the mountain bastions south of Bologna and was led by US II Corps. As part of the plan, the 6th SA Armoured Division was ordered to advance along Route 64 leading to Vertago and Bologna and to capture the twin peaks of Sole and Capara.[43] The Division's 24th Guards Brigade were first to encounter the Gothic Line defences when the Brigade met strong resistance from two battalions of the Lehr Brigade as well as two battalions of the 362nd Infantry Division, fighting from strongly fortified positions which had been prepared throughout the previous winter.[43]

After being ordered to hold the Albano Massif, the 11th Armd Bde was forced due to the terrain to operate dismounted from their tanks in order to contain the German 362nd Infantry Division. By 22 September, demolitions were again heard and it became evident that the Germans had started withdrawing to Green Line II, the next layer of the Gothic Line defences.[44] Operation Olive officially ended on 21 September 1944.[44]

Gothic Line battles

The South African advance re-commenced with the Division heading north on Route 64 with US II Corps to their right and 34th Infantry Division on the left. Reports had been received that the 16th SS Panzer Grenadier Division had taken over from the German 362nd Infantry Division and that they were now defending the front ahead of the South African Division.[45] By 28 September, the Division was advancing on three widely separated axis, retreating German forces were demolishing bridges, culverts and roads and this, with traffic congestion on limited roads made passage extremely slow.[46] It was then decided to hand over Route 66 to Task Force 92, as the South African Engineers were not able to maintain the three parallel routes simultaneously. This permitted the Guards Brigade to re-unite with the 11th Armd Bde in protecting the US II Corps western flank.[47] Monte Vigese dominated the Division's main line of advance. Two days of extended fighting in drenching rain against elements of the 36th SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment brought no break through and Poole then decided to pause and prepare a divisional attack on the mountain, to be led by 12th Mot Bde with 11th Armd and Guards Brigades in support. After an extremely heavy artillery bombardment of more than 10,000 shells, the attack succeeded.[48]

After this battle, the Division was withdrawn for rest and maintenance. It was re-assigned from US IV Corps to direct command by the US 5th Army to enable 5th Army commander Lieutenant General Mark Clark to coordinate the division's advance more closely with that of US II Corps.[49] In addition, the Division was heavily reinforced with artillery and taking Combat Command B, an armoured brigade from US 1st Armored Division, under command.[Note 11] The Division's major task became that of thrusting north towards Bologna covering the flank of the US 34th Division. Combat Command B was to advance on Route 64, the Guards Brigade along the Setta Valley road, with 11th and 12th Bdes covering the high ground between the two. Opposing the advance was the 16th SS Panzer Grenadier Division.[50] By 25 October the Division had waded the Setta Creek and taken Hill 501 below Mt. Sole, but the Guards Bde attack on Mt. Sole was halted by torrential rains.[51] The following day the continuing rains had turned to floods, isolating the Division elements on Hill 501 and suspending all air support from US XXII Tactical Air Command.[52][53] Mt. Sole was not attacked again and the Division was returned to US IV Corps command on 4 November.[54] As winter set in, 5th Army entered a period of static winter campaigning patrolling from fixed defensive positions until February 1945.[55]

Spring Offensive

On 18 February the 24th Guards Brigade was transferred from the Division to the 56th (London) Infantry Division in the 8th Army.[56] This ended an enduring relationship, particularly between the armoured Pretoria Regiment and the three Guards battalions.[57] The Division was relieved by the US 1st Armored Division's Combat command 'A' (which took over from 12 Mot Bde) and US Combat Command 'B' (relieving the 11th Armd Bde) and was withdrawn to Lucca.[58]

The Spring Offensive (codenamed Grapeshot) plan was based on the use of three phase lines, "Green," "Brown" and "Black". 5th Army, operating on the left and coordinated with the 8th Army on the right, were to initiate the "Green" phase with primary attacks by the US 1st Armored and US 10th Mountain Divisions.[59] In the "Brown" phase, the South African Division would assault the two peaks of Monte Sole and Monte Caprara in the centre of the US II Corps (and thus 5th Army) advance.[60] If all progressed well, "Black" phase would signal the start of the breakout attempt by the armoured divisions into the Po Valley.[59] The US 1st Armored Division was to wheel westwards and the South African Division was to drive north west of Bologna to link-up with the 8th Army.[61] Intelligence had shown that the peaks the South Africans were to attack were defended by the German 8th Mountain Division.[62]

Operations related to Phase Line "Green" progressed largely to plan and Phase "Brown" was initiated on 15 April. That night the South African Division was the first of the US II Corps Divisions to secure their objectives, taking Mount Sole in a series of well coordinated night attacks,[63] assisted by the heaviest tactical bombing support they had received to date in the campaign.[60] This was also the fist combat experienced by the new 13th South African Motorised Brigade (13th Mot Bde) which had been sent from South Africa to replace the Guards Brigade.[7] The battle had been fierce for all the division's troops involved and in the succeeding successful exploitation of Monte Caprara heavy losses were incurred. On 21 April, 11th Armd Brigade, who were supporting the US 349th Engineering Regiment, converged on the centre of the town of San Matteo della Decima. Soon furious house-to-house fighting erupted which continued until nightfall and resulted in several tanks being destroyed by fire from German Panzerfaust rockets. Poole committed all available South African troops to flush out German snipers and anti-tank positions and by 22 April all resistance had ceased.[64]

These victories had created the opportunity for the armour to break through to Bologna as part of Phase "Black" and the South Africans linked up with the British 6th Armoured Division on 23 April[65] and in the process cut the lines of retreat of the German 14th Panzer and 1st Parachute Corps between them.[66] In addition, in their advance to the link-up, the South African Division had destroyed the German 65th Infantry Division.[66] After advancing through the Po River Valley, the division was assembled southwest of Treviso on 29 April and were instructed to move far to the west to garrison the city of Milan.[67]

General Clark commented on the Division's achievements during the Spring Offensive, stating:

It was a battle-wise outfit, bold and aggressive against the enemy, and willing to do whatever job was necessary. In fact, after a period of severe day and night fighting, the 6th had in an emergency gone into the line as infantrymen. When the snow stalled their armour they dug in their tanks and used them as artillery to make up for our shortage in heavy guns. Whenever I saw them, I was impressed by the large number of decorations and honours they had earned the hard way. Their attacks against strongly organised German positions were made with great élan and without regard for casualties. Despite their comparatively small numbers, they never complained about losses. Neither did Smuts, who made it clear that the Union of South Africa intended to do its part in the War – and it most certainly did.
General Mark C. Clark, Calculated Risk. p. 391

End of the war

Axis surrender

Early on 2 May the German Theatre commander, Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, agreed to Field Marshal Alexander's surrender terms and broadcast orders to cease fire.[68] By 3 May, the South African Division was north east of Milan when General Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin delivered the surrender of the German forces in Italy to General Clark in Florence. This was followed by Winston Churchill's announcement of the end of the war in Europe on 8 May 1945.[69] The Division held a major victory parade at the Monza motor racing circuit on 14 July 1945 attended by Generals Clark (15th Army Group) and Truscott (5th Army) as well as commanders of numerous formations in the region. During this parade, numerous US awards were made to men within the Division, including the Legion of Merit (Commander) being awarded to General Poole.[70]

South African brigades were then deployed to the Swiss and French borders for frontier duties with 11 SA Armd Bde along the Swiss border, 13 Mot Bde around Turin and 12 Mot Bde in the Aosta Valley contiguous to the Franco-Italian border which was drawn on the high ground separating the two countries.[7] On 16 July the Italian Cremona and Mantova Battle Groups were placed under command of the Division to assist in these duties, allowing some of the battalions to be withdrawn for repatriation to South Africa. The two Motorised Brigades were amalgamated and remained responsible for guarding duties in the province of Imperia until 18 August while the Armoured Brigade was amalgamated with the Division Artillery.[71]

Riots during demobilisation

By the beginning of April 1945, it had become obvious that the war was coming to a close and that the Division as well as many other South African troops serving as divisional, corps or army troops with other formations would require repatriation back to South Africa for demobilisation. On 1 May, the Union Defence Force realised that no plans had yet been made to get all men back and instructions were prepared to move 5 000 troops per month by air commencing 1 July 1945 and 15 000 men by sea during the second half of the year, resulting in the repatriation of 45 000 troops by the end of the year. In addition to the 6th South African Armoured Division and other troops in Italy, there were thousands of recently released South African prisoners of war who had been held in Italy from the 2nd South African Infantry Division since the Sidi Rezegh and Tobruk battles in the western desert. Their numbers had not been factored into the demobilisation plans.[72]

The staging depot at Helwan north of Cairo was soon overcrowded and the number of troops being flown back to South Africa were substantially lower than had been planned. In addition, the expected shipping had been delayed. Food was in short supply and the standard of discipline deteriorated further as men arriving at the depot were split up alphabetically and were not retained in their unit structures.[72] A protest meeting was held on 20 August and as the size of the crowd increased, the meeting became more violent eventually resulting in the troops trashing, looting and burning numerous Egyptian premises, blocks of shops, motor cars, bungalows and book stalls as well as one of their own messes, and broke down and looted the NAAFI store. General Poole flew in from Italy to address the troops, promising that immediate steps were to be taken to speed up the rate of repatriation. Weeks later, the subsequent court of enquiry assessed the total cost of the damages at £22 768 431.[72]

By 25 January 1946, 101,676 men had been ferried back to South Africa[73] and the last aircraft left Egypt on 26 February 1946, carrying Major General Evered Poole who arrived in Durban on 2 March 1946.[74]


General Poole gave the campaign statistics for South African casualties as follows: Killed: 711; Wounded: 2,675; Missing: 157; Total: 3,543.[Note 12]

6th South African Armoured Division in Italy
Driver of the South African Cape Corps close to Bologna. 1944. 
6 SA Armoured Division command staff in Bologna. Left to Right: Maj-Gen Poole, Brig. Furstenburg, Maj-Gen Theron. 
Sherman Firefly tanks of Pretoria Regiment in Italy in 1944 
Shermans passing a knocked-out German SdKfz 222 armoured car, 25 January 1944. 
German paratroopers move a Pak-40 antitank gun into position: 23 February 1945. 
Victory Parade at Monza. 14 July 1945 

Command and organisation

Higher formations served under

Formation and period[76]
HQ British Troops Egypt 1 May 1943 31 December 1943
III Corps 1 January 1944 14 March 1944
Egypt Force 14 March 1944 14 April 1944
8th Army Reserve 21 April 1944 28 May 1944
1st Canadian Corps 28 May 1944 6 June 1944
XIII Corps 6 June 1944
8th Army Reserve 6 August 1944 20 August 1944
IV US Corps 22 August 1944 7 October 1944
5 US Army 7 October 1944 31 October 1944
IV US Corps 31 October 1944 15 January 1945
II US Corps 15 January 1945 30 April 1945
5 US Army 30 April 1945 31 May 1945
GOC South African Defence Force 1 June 1945 1946

Order of battle

Order of battle as at the dates the Division arrived in Italy[77] and the end of hostilities.[76]

6th Armoured Division HQ
Date 21 April 1944 (Arrival in Italy) 2 May 1945 (End of hostilities)
Higher Formation: British XIII Corps US IV Corps
Commander: Maj-Gen W.H.E. Poole Maj-Gen W.H.E. Poole
Division Troops: Royal Durban Light Infantry, South African Infantry Corps Support Battalion DSR
Reconnaissance: Natal Mounted Rifles, South African Armoured Corps
Division Artillery: Commander Divisional Artillery: Col J.N. Bierman[78] Commander Divisional Artillery: Brig J.N. Bierman[79]
1st/6th Field Regiment, Cape Field Artillery 1st/6th Field Regiment, Cape Field Artillery
4/22 Field Regiment, South African Artillery Corps 4/22 Field Regiment, South African Artillery Corps
166th (Newfoundland) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
7th/23rd Medium Regiment, South African Artillery Corps 7th/23rd Medium Regiment, South African Artillery Corps
1st/11th Anti-Tank Regiment, South African Artillery Corps 1st/11th Anti-Tank Regiment, South African Artillery Corps
1st/12th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, South African Artillery Corps
Engineers: 17th Field Park Sqn, South African Engineering Corps 17th Field Park Sqn, South African Engineering Corps
12th Field Squadron, South African Engineering Corps 12th Field Squadron, South African Engineering Corps
8th Field Squadron, South African Engineering Corps 8th Field Squadron, South African Engineering Corps
622nd Field Squadron, Royal Engineers
Signals: 6 SA Div Signal Squadron, South African Corps of Signals 6 SA Div Signal Squadron, South African Corps of Signals
6 SA Div Artillery Signal Squadron, South African Artillery Corps 6 SA Div Artillery Signal Squadron, South African Artillery Corps
14th Mot Bde Signals Squadron, South African Corps of Signals 14th Mot Bde Signals Squadron, South African Corps of Signals
Medical: 19th Field Ambulance, South African Medical Corps 19th Field Ambulance, South African Medical Corps
20th Field Ambulance, South African Medical Corps 20th Field Ambulance, South African Medical Corps
11th Armoured Brigade
Date 21 April 1944 (Arrival in Italy) 2 May 1945 (End of hostilities)
Commander: Brig. J.P.A. Furstenburg Brig. J.P.A. Furstenburg
Armour: Prince Alice's Own Pretoria Regiment (PR) Prince Alice's Own Pretoria Regiment (PR)
Prince Alfred's Guard (PAG) Prince Alfred's Guard (PAG)
Special Service Battalion (SSB) Special Service Battalion (SSB)
Infantry: Imperial Light Horse / Kimberley Regiment (ILH/KimR) 4th/13th Frontier Force Rifles
12th Motorised Infantry Brigade
Date 21 April 1944 (Arrival in Italy) 2 May 1945 (End of hostilities)
Commander: Brig. R.J. Palmer Brig. R.J. Palmer
Brigade Troops: Regiment Botha/Regiment President Steyn (RB/RPS)
Infantry: First City/Cape Town Highlanders (FC/CTH) First City/Cape Town Highlanders (FC/CTH)
Royal Natal Carbineers (RNC) Royal Natal Carbineers (RNC)
Witwatersrand Rifles Regiment/Regiment de la Rey (WR/DLR) Witwatersrand Rifles Regiment/Regiment de la Rey (WR/DLR)
13th Motorised Brigade
Date 21 April 1944 (Arrival in Italy) 2 May 1945 (End of hostilities)
Not attached to the Division at this time, joined in April 1945.
Brig. J.P. Bester
Infantry: Imperial Light Horse / Kimberley Regiment (ILH/KimR)
Natal Mounted Rifles / South African Air Force Regiment
Royal Durban Light Infantry (RDLI)
Artillery: 15th Field Regiment, South African Artillery Corps
Engineers: 5th Field Company, South African Engineering Corps
Medical: 19th Field Ambulance, South African Medical Corps
Signals: 18th Motorised Brigade Signals
24th Guards Brigade
Date (Bde joined Div) 20 May 1944 2 May 1945 (End of hostilities)
Commander: Brig. M.D. Erskine
No longer part of the Division.
Withdrawn on 18 February 1945 and assigned to 56th (London) Infantry Division
Infantry: 1st Battalion, The Scots Guards
3rd Battalion, The Coldstream Guards
5th Battalion, Grenadier Guards
Engineers: 42nd Field Company, Royal Engineers
24th Independent Brigade Group (Guards) Workshop
Medical: 137th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps
Signals: 550th Company, Royal Corps of Signals

Theatres of operation

Main theatres of operation:[76]

Battles, actions and engagements

The Division colours record the following actions:[76]

Battle Action or engagement From To
Rome Advance to the Tiber 22 May 1944 4 June 1944
Celleno 9 June 1944 9 June 1944
Bagnoregio 11 June 1944 13 June 1944
Allerona 15 June 1944 15 June 1944
Trasimene Line 20 June 1944 30 June 1944
Arezzo 4 July 1944 17 July 1944
Advance to Florence Monte San Michele 18 July 1944 20 July 1944
Monte Domini 21 July 1944 24 July 1944
Monte Kili 21 July 1944 23 July 1944
Paula Line 30 July 1944 4 August 1944
Gothic Line Monte Porro del Bagno 15 September 1944 18 September 1944
Femmina Morta 17 September 1944 18 September 1944
Catarelto Ridge 28 September 1944 3 October 1944
Monte Vigese 30 September 1944 6 October 1944
Monte Stanco 7 October 1944 13 October 1944
Monte Salvaro 19 October 1944 23 October 1944
Bologna Monte Sole 15 April 1945 18 April 1945
Camposanto Bridge 22 April 1945 22 April 1945

See also

Media related to [//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:South_Africa_in_World_War_II South Africa in World War II] at Wikimedia Commons


  1. ^ CB, CBE, DSO, Commander of the US Legion of Merit, Commander of the French Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre avec Palme, Mentioned in Despatches
  2. ^ 1st Infantry Division and 2nd Infantry Division.[1]
  3. ^ The south African ORBAT dictated an infantry division as requiring 24,108 men, whilst an armoured division required 14,195 men based on the British ORBAT.[1]
  4. ^ 11th Armoured Brigade and 12th Motorised Brigade.[4]
  5. ^ B Squadron of Prince Albert Guard (PAG) as well as C Squadron of Special Service Battalion (SSB) were Rhodesian armoured squadrons. The 17th Rhodesian Field Battery formed part of 1/6 Field Regiment and the Rhodesian 4th Anti-Tank Battery was re-designated as 1/22 Anti-Tank Battery within the Division troops.[6]
  6. ^ The enemy troops consisted of British 10th Armd Div, 11th Indian Infantry Brigade, 2nd Belgian Infantry Brigade and 1st and 4th Egyptian Infantry Brigades.[7]
  7. ^ The Division was considered to be the most highly trained South African division to date. Of the 14,000 men in the Division, 3,500 wore the Africa Star ribbon with the 8th Army clasp, yet after one year from its planned deployment date, the division was still in the Middle East. There was a feeling that the 8th Army did not require any additional armoured units and further, that the Army command preferred the South Africans to take over the Middle East policing duties performed by an Indian Division, allowing the Indian unit to be broken up to reinforce Indian units already serving in Italy (4th and 8th Indian Divisions). This was preferred rather than introducing yet another national division into the 8th Army, further complicating the Army organisation.[9]
  8. ^ Although Florence had been declared an open city and had been evacuated by the Germans, they continued to shell troops advancing into the city.[29]
  9. ^ This fact is contested by the Māori Battalion of the 2nd New Zealand Division whose regimental history claims that they were the first Allied troops to enter Florence.[30]
  10. ^ In addition to having lost troops withdrawn to support the 7th Army landings, the US 5th Army then consisted of four infantry divisions (US 34th, 85th, 88th and 91st) and the US 1st Armored Division. The addition of a Brazilian formation was discounted, as these troops were still undergoing training and the capabilities of the 92nd Negro Division which was on the way to Italy, was unknown. It was evident that in order to keep up with the British 8th Army, the US 5th Army needed reinforcement. For this reason, the British XIII Corps was assigned from the 8th to the 5th Army and the South African Division was moved from XIII Corps to US IV Corps (they in turn being replaced by the British 6th Armoured Division within XIII Corps) to add an additional armoured division to the army. The 24th Guards Brigade remained with the South African Division in the transfer to the 5th Army.[33]
  11. ^ As part of this change, the Division was further reinforced by the addition of a medium artillery regiment from 10th Army Group Royal Artillery, as well as the attachment of three US heavy guns and the Combat Command B, an armoured brigade from US 1st Armored Division.[50]
  12. ^ The official statistics compiled by the AG Stats department of the British War Office give total South African casualties in the Italian campaign as 4,168.[75]
  1. ^ a b c d Orpen (1975) p. 1
  2. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 2
  3. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 7
  4. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 3
  5. ^ a b c Klein (1946) p. 232
  6. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 16
  7. ^ a b c d e f Theunissen
  8. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 20
  9. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 23
  10. ^ a b Orpen pp. 24–25
  11. ^ Klein (1946) p. 234
  12. ^ Holland (2008) p. 217
  13. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2), p. 208.
  14. ^ Doherty (2007) p. 116
  15. ^ Doherty (2007) p. 117
  16. ^ a b Doherty (2007) p. 126
  17. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 45
  18. ^ a b Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 76
  19. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 75
  20. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 88
  21. ^ a b c d Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 89
  22. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol II) p. 90
  23. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 149
  24. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 91
  25. ^ Jackson (1986) p. 92
  26. ^ a b Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 94
  27. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 95
  28. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 164
  29. ^ Doherty (2007) p. 131
  30. ^ "History of the 28th Maori Battalion: Italian Campaign". 28 Maori Battalion.org. http://www.28maoribattalion.org.nz/story-of-the-28th/italian-campaign. Retrieved 21 June 2010. 
  31. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 167
  32. ^ a b Dohertey (2007) p. 132
  33. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 184
  34. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 185
  35. ^ a b Orpen (1975) p. 191
  36. ^ Klein (1946) p. 256
  37. ^ Orpen (1975) p.195
  38. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 264
  39. ^ Orpen (1975) p.196
  40. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p.225
  41. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p.228
  42. ^ Hinsley (1988 Vol 3 Part II) p. 335
  43. ^ a b Klein (1946) p. 244
  44. ^ a b Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p.299
  45. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 208
  46. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 209–211
  47. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 349
  48. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 396
  49. ^ Fischer (1989) p. 363
  50. ^ a b Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 395
  51. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 418
  52. ^ Martin & Orpen (1978) p.342
  53. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 235n
  54. ^ Fischer (1989) p. 397
  55. ^ Clark (1951) p. 379
  56. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 2) p. 372
  57. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 260
  58. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 261
  59. ^ a b Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 3) p. 228
  60. ^ a b Klein (1946) p. 280
  61. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 3) p. 229
  62. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 3) p. 235
  63. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 3) p. 276
  64. ^ Carlo, Mondani. "Marefosca: il primo giornale on line di Decima e dintorni". Il Passaggio del Fronte. http://www.marefosca.it/sett06/passaggio_fronte.htm. Retrieved 30 October 2010. 
  65. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 3) p. 258
  66. ^ a b Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 3) p. 292
  67. ^ Fischer (1989) p. 506
  68. ^ Jackson Vol. VI , pp. 332-333.
  69. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 308
  70. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 309
  71. ^ Orpen (1975) p.310
  72. ^ a b c Webster, Selby (Sam). "Military History Journal - Vol 12 No 3". The Helwan Riots: August 1945. The South African Military History Society. http://samilitaryhistory.org/vol123we.html. Retrieved 29 October 2010. 
  73. ^ "South African Air Force". History of the South African Air Force. Department of Defence, Republic of South Africa. http://www.af.mil.za/about_us/history.html. Retrieved 29 October 2010. 
  74. ^ Jackson, Allan. "Facts about Durban". Flying Boat Eyewitnesses - 35 SQN Shuttle Service. http://www.fad.co.za/Resources/aviation/FB/eye2.htm. Retrieved 29 October 2010. 
  75. ^ Jackson (2004 Vol VI Part 3), p. 335
  76. ^ a b c d "British & Commonwealth Orders of Battle". 6 SA Armoured Div. http://www.rothwell.force9.co.uk/6SAdiv.htm. Retrieved 7 October 2010. 
  77. ^ Molony (2004) Vol VI Part 1 p. 256
  78. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 5
  79. ^ Orpen (1975) p. 241
  • Beyers, C.J., ed (1987). Dictionary of South African Biography. Volume V. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council. ISBN 0796904200. 
  • Clark, Mark General (1951). Calculated Risk: His Personal Story and the war in north Africa and Italy. Holborn, London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd. OCLC 464393008. 
  • Doherty, Richard (2007). Eighth Army in Italy: The Long Hard Slog. Barnsley: Pen & Sword. ISBN 9781844156375. 
  • Fisher, Ernest F (1989). "United States Army in World War II: Mediterranean Theater of Operations". Cassino To the Alps. Centre for Military History, Washington D.C. http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/USA-MTO-Cassino/index.html#index. Retrieved 7 October 2010. 
  • Hinsley, F.H. (1988). British Intelligence in the Second World War: Its Influence on Strategy and Operations. Volume Three, Part II. HM Stationary Office. ISBN 0116309407. 
  • Holland, James (2008). Italy's Sorrow: A Year of War, 1944–1945. London: Harper. ISBN 9780007176458. 
  • Jackson, General Sir William & Gleave, Group Captain T.P. (2004) [1st. pub. HMSO:1986]. Butler, Sir James. ed. The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume VI: Victory in the Mediterranean, Part 2: June to October 1944. History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Uckfield, UK: Naval & Military Press. ISBN 1-845740-71-8. 
  • Jackson, General Sir William & Gleave, Group Captain T.P. (2004) [1st. pub. HMSO:1988]. Butler, Sir James. ed. The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume VI: Victory in the Mediterranean, Part 3: November 1944 to May 1945. History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Uckfield, UK: Naval & Military Press. ISBN 1-845740-72-6. 
  • Klein, Harry (1946). Springbok Record. Johannesburg: South African Legion. OCLC 6570993. 
  • Martin, H.J. Lt-Gen; Orpen, Neil D. (1978). Eagles Victorious. South African Forces: World War II. Vol VI. Purnell, Cape Town. ISBN 0868430080. 
  • Molony, Brigadier C.J.C.; with Flynn, Captain F.C. (R.N.); Davies, Major-General H.L. & Gleave, Group Captain T.P. (2004) [1st. pub. HMSO:1984]. Butler, Sir James. ed. The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume VI: Victory in the Mediterranean, Part 1 - 1st April to 4th June 1944. History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Revised by Jackson, General Sir William. Uckfield, UK: Naval & Military Press. ISBN 1-845740-70-X. 
  • Orpen, Neil D. (1975). Victory in Italy. South African Forces: World War II. Vol V. Purnell, Cape Town. ISBN 36000282X. 
  • Theunissen, Major A.B.. "Military History Journal—Vol 9 No 5". Maj-Gen W H Evered Poole, CB, CBE, DSO: 1902–1969 Personal Retrospects. The South African Military History Society. http://samilitaryhistory.org/vol095at.html. Retrieved 8 October 2010. 

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